The Weekly Spindash #1

Nice thumbnail, no?
Anyway, how's it going? It's sonicfan0001.
Bascially what The Weekly Spindash is is it's a place where I sort of update you all about what's going on and all that stuff, so my channel doesn't just become
First off, I've been working on some new icons for myself (And some for other people too ;) ), and I'll soon have all sorts of themed icons for my accounts and channel!
Secondly, I have a couple of updates for the Nerd Mega Stream.
I'm pretty sure I have the two people (Although it may change, so this isn't super-official). They are JohanPlays and Nisani. Apparently all of my internet friends live in Europe. :P Still no set-in-stone date, but you know the range.
I'd also like to address some YouTube stuff. I'm sorry about FNaF 4, I'll have episode 2 up soon. I've already said I decided not to record the rest because I wanted to do a good, full playthrough of it and get fully into it, because it's hard to do that when you record it. Also, Sonicfan Rants #1 will be up next week along with a special miniseries. ;)
I've also got a Steam Curator group now called Sonicfan0001's Game Discussion (S0001GD). It's a private group but I'd be happy to let some Steam friends in.
You'll be seeing some more posts on here from others soon. Don't worry.
There will also be a new Dark Depths teaser and something very special to follow it in the upcoming weeks. :D
That's just about it for now, there'll be a new one of these out EVERY WEEK!
And another blog weekly blog series as well. ;)
Thanks for 50 YT subs, BTW. You all are way past cool.
...I hope you all got that reference.
I'll be ranking all of the FNaF games next week as well.
Other than that, catch you later.