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An Update on What's Been Happening

Hey everyone, it's me.

I know I've made more of these posts than pretty much anything else on here (and usually have started them with "I know I've..."), but I felt it necessary to give you all another update on what's happening behind-the-scenes on both Derp Quest II and The Awakening right now.

I've had to start up school again, so consistent development has slowed quite a bit. However, physical development of The Awakening is still going great and I'm super happy with it so far. Derp Quest II continues to be a long but productive march.

All of the voice-acting roles in The Awakening have been cast too! I was really impressed by quite a few auditions I received and I'm sure the cast won't let you down. :)

In particular, I hope you all enjoy the main antagonist of The Awakening, because she's really a character I'm proud of. And yes, they are female, which I revealed a little while back. I'll refrain from saying anything else for now.

I'm also currently working on ironing out the achievements for Derp Quest II. There's 25 of them right now, which may go up or down, and I'm really trying to make sure they're varied and fun-- ranging from completion to random find-its to easter eggs to collectibles and even to some random ones as well.

The last big thing I've been trying to figure out is making hub menus for Derp Quest II work really well. I've found music for each one, and I'm hoping to have small little animations and environment details in each one, even if the hubs are stoic bits of scenery.

That's about it, really. As always, thanks so much for following my work and supporting me, it means a ton and I'm eternally grateful for it. :)

Oh, and since you made it this far, let me leave a small little announcement/reveal here too: Derp Quest II will contain secret areas (not just bonus stages, actual full-fledged secret areas, just like the main campaign ones. They'll only be one stage each though.) Also, The Awakening will have some music. ;)

Thanks so much,


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