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I'm really sorry about this

Hey everyone, it's me.

I'm making this post to say something that I know no one will want to hear...

I've decided to discontinue Project Isolation. Before anyone yells at me, let me explain.

No, I didn't lose any files. No, my computer didn't break. No, there's nothing wrong on that end. This is purely by choice.

I've spoken to many people who needed motivation on their projects about a "click". I've told them that if you don't feel it with whatever you're working on, it may not be good for you to keep going. It can cause too much stress, too much anxiety and have a serious effect on the final product. And I felt the click with this map. I felt the click with this storyline... at first.

But then I had to cancel my FNaF maps. And then, when I tried again to continue, I lost Dark Depths' files. And now the reality has dawned on me: I can't make this map. I can't do it.

I have a pretty busy life during the school year (And even over breaks), and I've had issues with stress in the past. I'm getting further into school, and more work is coming. This could render me a little more behind on my hobbies, my maps, my... well, mostly everything probably. And I care about my education. I plan to go to college, and the careers I have in mind have nothing to do with making maps or YouTube videos.

I want you all to get the best maps by me possible. I really, genuinely care about all of my friends and supporters. And I feel as though Project Isolation would end up half-baked and not as good as it could be. It's just too much work.

However, this also has some pros. This isn't all bad. I am not only continuing Derp Quest II, but I have lots of other smaller (But still plentiful) map ideas in mind that can come out much sooner.

I do, however, still feel you all are entitled to know. Drake's story will not continue, as another main reason I wanted to discontinue this map was because I felt there would be too much missing in the background. So, I will be doing a Q&A livestream just for Drake's complete story on YouTube. It may today, it may be tomorrow. Just keep an eye out.

I really appreciate you all, and don't worry. Derp Quest II will be my best map yet, and I think you'll all love it (Seriously, it's probably much bigger than you all think).

Anyway, thank you for reading this whole thing. I'm really sorry, but I think you'll all like what I call the "Second Generation" of my maps (Which started with Derp Quest). And yes, I have an idea for a new horror map, don't you worry.

Thank you all so much for sticking with me. :)


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