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Top 15 Favorite Sonic Area Themes

Hey everyone, how are you? I figured it was time for another pointless ranking. This time, however, we're talking about music. SONIC MUSIC. What a surprise.

Anyway, these are my 15 favorite Sonic themes. I've posted most of them on Twitter already. Oh, and this doesn't include boss themes (With one technical exception ;) ). Enjoy!

#15: Spagonia/Rooftop Run Day (Sonic Unleashed & Sonic Generations)

Composed/Arranged By: Tomoya Ohtani

Rooftop Run is an action stage taking place in the fictional European city of Spagonia. And damn it if this theme doesn't fit the mood of rushing across streets and rooftops perfectly. Loud, fast, exciting and upbeat, this theme screams Sonic. Yes, even the slower Classic remix from Generations manages to fit Classic Sonic's gameplay perfectly. It's eargasmic and extremely motivating.

#14: Launch Base Act 1 (Sonic & Knuckles)

Composed/Arranged By: Sachio Ogawa, Tatsuyuki Maeda, Jun Senoue, Howard Drossin, Brad Buxer, Cirocco Jones, Bobby Brooks, Darryl Ross, Geoff Grace, Doug Grisby & Michael Jackson

This is possibly one the funkiest Sonic themes around. It's quite odd that it accompanies the final stage in the Sonic 3 portion of Sonic 3 & Knuckles. However, it's an outstandingly catchy piece of music either way. And yes, that's right: not only does this game have amazing composers, but Michael Jackson did in fact help out with some tracks, including this one. I simply can't leave it off the list due to how often it's gotten stuck in my head.

#13: Unawakening Float | Night Palace (Sonic and the Secret Rings)

Composed/Arranged By: Fumie Kumatani

Performed By: Runblebee

Oh boy, this theme is absolutely epic. Very final (Fitting for the last stage in the game), and very different from the usual final area tracks from Sonic games. Similarly to "The White of Sky", my other favorite theme from this game, the lyrics in this song are actually pretty decent (I'm usually not a huge fan of vocal Sonic songs). It fits the level perfectly, a palace floating in the sky. And speed breaking actually goes really with it. So yeah, this theme is awesome!

#12: Azure Blue World | Emerald Coast (Sonic Adventure & Sonic Adventure DX)

Composed/Arranged By: Jun Senoue, Fumie Kumatani, Kenichi Tokoi & Masaru Setsumaru

This song screams nostalgia and I'm not sure why. I grew up mostly playing the Genesis and Nintendo DS titles, not as much the 3D and Dreamcast ones. But this theme... it is practically the embodiment of Dreamcast-era Sonic. It's the very first level of Sonic's first full-on 3D game since Sonic 3D Blast, and it immediately sets the mood. Bright, fun, uplifting and a little edgy. It just fits so well, even it is a little different than what you usually expect from a beach level.

#11: City Escape (Sonic Adventure 2 & Sonic Adventure 2 Battle)

Composed/Arranged By: Jun Senoue

Performed By: Ted Poley & Tony Harnell

Ah yes, who doesn't like this song? I said earlier that I mostly dislike vocal Sonic songs for levels, but this is definitely an exception. For a high-speed first level set in San Francisco- I mean Central City- this theme is perfect. In fact, while "Azure Blue World" almost captured Dreamcast-era Sonic, this one nailed it, even if Sonic Adventure 2 isn't a Dreamcast title. What else is there to say? Everyone's heard this before.

#10: Misty Lake (Sonic and the Black Knight)

Composed/Arranged By: Jun Senoue

Jun Senoue, the guy from Crush 40 who helped make the theme for Launch Base, Emerald Coast and City Escape (Among tons of other stuff), also made this masterpiece. Seriously, the guy is amazing, because his orchestral compositions are just plain beautiful. I mean come on, listen to this! Gorgeous melody, nice drums and a sad yet upbeat tone. Excellent!

#9: Apotos/Windmill Isle Day (Sonic Unleashed)

Composed/Arranged By: Tomoya Ohtani

Speaking of great composers, here's another one. He's a much more recent addition to Sonic Team than Jun Senoue, but he's been making great diverse themes for Sonic for several years now. I know I'm in the minority here but yes, I like Windmill Isle's daytime theme more than Rooftop Run's. Set in the fictional Greek-based port town of Apotos, this calm first stage theme has always been one of my favorites. I can't really explain it, either: I just really, really like it. Maybe if you listen to it you'll see what I mean, maybe you won't. But I've always loved this theme.

#8: Lava Powerhouse (Sonic Spinball)

Composed/Arranged By: Barry Blum

Speaking of calm, this theme is the exact opposite. It's psychedelic, funky, bassy and really aggressive... which is why I love it. I mean come on, this level is called Lava Powerhouse! Anyway, this is another one that I can't leave off the list simply due to how often it gets stuck in my head. Just please listen to it, okay?

#7: Aquarium Park Act 1 (Sonic Colors)

Composed/Arranged: Tomoya Ohtani

Aaaaah, this theme is so pleasant and calming to listen to. While I prefer the imagery of the space-themed levels like Starlight Carnival, I can't deny that my favorite theme from this game is Aquarium Park. It really is beautiful, and extremely nostalgic for me even though this game only came out in 2010. Once again composed by the great Tomoya Ohtani, this theme very much suits the gorgeous, aquatic Japanese setting of this area. I'm not sure explaining it does it justice, so give it a listen!

It should also be mentioned that Aquarium Park is actually my favorite water area from a Sonic game ever. Yep.

#6: Casino Night (Sonic 2)

Composed/Arranged By: Masato Nakamura

I always loved this theme growing up, especially since Casino Night was always my favorite zone in Sonic 2. It's so dreamy and surreal, it really fits the setting of an odd, oversized, seemingly floating casino at night. And that background...

Sorry, I'm getting off topic. This is another nostalgia trip for me, so please forgive that. Again, just listen. Close your eyes and listen...

#5: Sea Bottom Segue | Tropical Coast Act 3 & Lava Mountain Act 2 (Sonic Lost World)

Composed/Arranged By: Tomoya Ohtani, Takahito Eguchi & Naofumi Hataya

Okay, this song is just beautiful. Possibly the most beautiful in any Sonic game IMO. Like, seriously. You think it can't get any better and then it just does. Repeatedly. It's incredibly fitting for the setting, too: a pretty underwater tunnel where Sonic is constantly grinding on rails. I really don't know what else to say.

#4: Green Hill (Sonic 1)

Composed/Arranged By: Masato Nakamura

Yeah, yeah, you get it. Everyone loves this theme, and so do I. It's a classic, the very definition of the original Genesis titles. Do I really need to explain myself? It's amazing.

#3: Stardust Speedway Past/Present/Both Futures JP (Sonic CD & Sonic Generations)

Composed/Arranged By: Naofumi Hataya, Masafumi Ogata & Various Other Artisits (Generations)

Okay, let me explain. I said no boss themes, but I had to include the Bad Future version. Why? Because every version of this theme is godly. I wouldn't be fair not to include any of these, including the AMAZING Sonic Generations remix, which may be better than the original. Listen to each one, go ahead. You have my permission.

#2: Hot Crater Act 1 (Sonic Advance 2)

Composed/Arranged By: Tatsuyuki Maeda, Yutaka Minobe & Teruhiko Nakagawa

If this isn't the definition of hype and high-speed 2D platforming, I don't know what is. This theme is just plain awesome, and always motivates me to get work done. Set in the second area of the game, a large molten crater, this theme matches the fastest stage in said game perfectly. Sonic Advance 2 is probably my least favorite installment in the Advance trilogy, but it sure does have some of the best tunes from the series.





#1: Ice Cap Act 1 (Sonic 3 & Knuckles)

Composed/Arranged By: Sachio Ogawa, Tatsuyuki Maeda, Jun Senoue, Howard Drossin, Brad Buxer, Cirocco Jones, Bobby Brooks, Darryl Ross, Geoff Grace, Doug Grisby, Michael Jackson

Here it is, my favorite Sonic theme ever. And yes, it's an ice level with the same tune as "Hard Times" by The Jetzons. Again, Michael Jackson helped out with the soundtrack, so there you go. I don't think I can ever really explain why I love this track so much. I loved the zone as a kid along with the music. It's just so calm yet upbeat and driving at the same time. It perfectly fits a fast-paced, frigid landscape. Listen to it, you'll know what I mean.

So, there it is. I'm not sure why I made this, but hopefully you found some new music to listen to!



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