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Kind of bad news for Derp Quest II

No, I'm not cancelling it. I've already said countless times that this map won't be cancelled. However, I do have some news that's about 50% bad and 50% good.

I'm going to have to delay the map's release again. I know it's early on in the year, but realistically there's no way in hell that it will be done by 6/11/17. This isn't all bad, however. Delaying the map will allow me to make sure that nothing is rushed and that the end result can be a polished, fun map. So, when will it release? I don't know, I really don't. Maybe the end of year. Maybe earlier, maybe later, it all depends.

There is another bit of good news: I hope to fill the void of my mapmaking absence before releasing Derp Quest II. I will try to have a few significantly smaller maps out this year, but don't expect much as I want to spend most of my time working on the larger task at hand. And that leads me to my final point, the whole reason I can't possibly have it done by my 3-year anniversary as a mapmaker.

Not only is this map enormous in almost every way, but I do have a life outside of this. Quite a busy one, in fact. I've been struggling recently to balance out things for school, mapmaking, YouTube, my personal life along with its hobbies and goals... I hope you can all understand that. I'm not neglecting you or anybody, I'm just a busy guy who has to focus on things that are much more important in the long run than a few maps made for Minecraft.

Thank you all for reading this, I hope you understand. <3


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