Derp Quest II Info Update
So, you've all been pretty patient with information regarding Derp Quest II, and I certainly still have tons to do with it. However, I want to reward you all with the official name/background of the first area of Derp Quest II. Enjoy. :)

Area: Chromatic City
Location: Evoliko, Western Derpeia
History: Chromatic City was constructed atop the ruins of Kindred Kingdom after its unfortunate destruction by an unknown force. Its idea was to build upwards into the sky and to expand its horizons to people all around the continent of Derpeia and the world. A large multi-production company known as Skargen took head of its global interactions many years ago, and holds one of the grandest and most recognizable buildings in the city. Built off of the extensive land is Verdant Valley, where the rich landscape is mined in an environmental-friendly way for usage of stone and other useful materials including chromium crystals. The area was briefly under threat from Morgan Swagman, who had the head of Voltgen, a rival company to Skargen, assassinated so as to create conflicts while he flooded out the mines in Verdant Valley to use its rich underground lava supply for energy. D.E.R.P HQ is set up just outside the city, located between it and [area name redacted]. It is the most advanced city on the planet to this day.