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C. Byrd Journal Entries #1-3


I just arrived at the drop site.

I appears as though the landscape here forms a perfect square box-- I can't make any sense of it. The walls are made of rock and are smooth as though they were underwater for some length of time. I couldn't imagine how any materials could make it though the tiny hole in the ceiling, but the coordinates can't lie. I'm sure they'll find a way.

I got a few shakes on the way here, too. Seemed like there was something going on underground, but I'll be damned if it was an earthquake. Must be near the sewers. The last tremors were much worse, and Caitlyn was fine. I'll be alright.

I've been receiving messages all night from Gdyuv Hqjolvk and I don't expect they'll let up anytime soon. We need these medical supplies.

I suppose I'll camp out for the night. I'll hear the drop before I see it.

-Clement Byrd


The supplies aren't here, what the fuck? They said they'd be dropping here.

I'm sure it's fine. I noticed something strange, though... the radiometric dating on this stone is incredibly young; they can't be more than a year old. I'll update you later man.

-Clement Byrd


No, no, no, they got out, all of them. They got out, THEY GOT OUT.



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