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Courtney Craft #1

Hello you lovely human beings! It's Courtney here again.

I told you I'd post here.

I bet you didn't believe me...


Anywho, basically what Courtney Craft does is summarize recent Minecraft happenings. I figured I'd do this since Kieran has The Weekly Spindash (And Courtney Craft has alliteration ^_^).

A ton has happened recently! Let's start out with the basics.

Minecraft 1.9 snapshots are a thing! Huzzah! Lots of new goodies for both creators and... erm... survivalists. .;,;.

The End has a revamp! The Ender Dragon's a lot more pissed that you're here now, and will do stuff like breathe fire and dragon's breath. The troll also decided to decorate the obisdian pillars, as they are now occasionally adorned with iron bars that cover the ender crystals.

Also, actual End exploration! Yay! Chorus Plants are a new plant that give you chorus fruit. They're everywhere. Seriously.

End Cities are probably the coolest part though, boasting parkour challenges, awesome loot, new Shulker enemies and a ship with a mystery every now and then.

You can also eat air with a rare drop; the Ender Dragon Head! Seriously. It chomps when you walk.

End Cities are made of end stone bricks and "Purpur" blocks, which are new pretty blocks for building.

You can also stop bootlegging Minecraft PE features in with beetroot! Beetroot adds in a new soup, crop and seed kind.

There are also end rods, which are essentially much cooler versions of torches in The End.

You can also use a bottle to gather dragon's breath and craft it with a splash potion to make lingering potions! They basically create lingering clouds of the potion effect.

There are also splash water bottles, which can be used to extinguish fires. Handy!

Tired of dull archery? Then this is for you!

Meet spectral arrows, a new yellow arrow type that outlines enemies with a "Glowing" effect. Still not enough? Try putting a potion on your arrow to make your target bleed or heal.

Also, shields! :D They can be put in your main or offhand slot by pressing "F".

What else? Oh, I don't know, armor and weapons now have new stats and abilities!

Different speeds and attacks to be specific. I won't explain the details, I suggest you go try it out for yourself!

Oh, and new command blocks! Chain and Repeating (As well as normal Impulse). I understand command blocks, but uh... I'm going to let Kieran explain 'em. ;)


Well hi there. What are you up to today?

JonTron reference. :3

Chain Command Blocks are pretty helpful. Let's say I wanted to have a sequence of menu commands appear in chat. For instance, "Start", "Continue", "Options", "Credits" and "Extras" (Not that I'm implying anything here. ;) ). I would first put down an Impulse command block FACING THE DIRECTION OF THE FIRST CHAIN ONE (They are directional now) and put in my first TellRaw ClickEvent. Then, I would link 4 chain command blocks together and put in their respective commands, then activate them all with redstone blocks. Now, when the Impulse is activated, they will all activate in unison.

Repeating Command Blocks are pretty much convenient redstone clocks, repeating at 20 ticks per second. They can also be hooked up to chain command blocks (Useful for constantly activating multiple commands in maps such as /weather clear).

Okay. I'm done. I'm not getting paid for this. ;)


That's about it! There are some other things such as resource pack changes and world icons, but nothing too major.

Thanks for reading! I'll return in the future and with another Courtney Craft next time there's a new chunk of info!

I'll hook ya up with the 411.


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