Could it be...?
Hello there, it's sonicfan0001.
I thought I'd show off some new icons! They'll be used in the future.

For starters, we have my current horror one. I like how it turned out.

I also made this one for Courtney. I can't tell if we're sinister or we're overly happy because Donald Trump is still an idiot.
And yeah, we don't actually have red eyes. I've got a changing shade of blue (Seriously; the shade changes based on my mood) and she has a lighter blue eye color.
I will be making seasonal icons (Ones for different times of year/seasons)! I'd also like to add something about my facial hair. You may notice that on the rare occasion that I show my face that I only really have the mustache going. This is because I usually shave before videos if I have facecam on. :)

I also recently made this guy, DarkPasta. Who is DarkPasta? Me. DarkPasta was originally going to be my game developer name. Hell, I may use it again someday...
Anyway, I'll keep you posted. I know the Weekly Spindashes and Courtney Crafts haven't been regular. The excuse? Busy. We're very busy with IRL stuff. So yeah.
Thanks for supporting me you guys.