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The End of 2015

Hey everyone, it's sonicfan0001.

I'd like to take a moment to reflect on this year, announce the last things I'll be doing in it and lay out 2016 for you all.

First off, I apologize for the apparent mapmaking inactivity (Although I was far from not being busy this year). Lots of people liked Derp Quest but FNaF: Deadline and Dark Depths had to be cancelled for certain happenings in my life. While 2014 was a better year for mapmaking, this year, I think, was a better year for learning. I'm more cautious now, I'm more experienced. I know what is and isn't possible. And I think I'm ready for next year.

So, what about 2016? I will be working on more YouTube content than ever (Hopefully :P) and creating Project Isolation, which at the moment is shaping up to be one of the biggest maps of all time. I'm also working on a secret project which I cannot reveal. All you know is that it does exist and will release at some point. ;)

As for the end of this year, I have a couple more things planned: A couple more episodes of MysticBlade, maybe a random MC Map or Gmod and the biggest one...

The Last Mega Stream of 2015.

I will be doing it on New Year's Eve and I'm planning to play a ton of things with possibly some other people. I'll probably start it somewhere in the early afternoon range, and will end probably around 11:00 PM. It's gonna be big, so be there!

Lastly, I want to thank you all for your support. I met more great people this year and got a lot more support from friends and fans. :)

I also hope you all had a happy holiday, whatever you celebrate. I certainly did.

So I'll see you all in my next video/mega stream and in my next post, which will be put up in 2016. Also, Courtney should hopefully be a lot more active on here next year (Although she can't be now, because I'm still away from home for a few more days).

You all are awesome.



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