Sickness ;(
Hey everyone, it's me.
I just wanted to update you all on my recent absence (Aside from the new Project Isolation teaser, of course ;) ). As some of you know, I recently had some brief problems with my anxiety. I managed to overcome this, but on Saturday something else came up.
Turns out I probably either have Strep Throat or Mononucleosis. It's probably one, but here's the thing: they both came up negative in tests. I'm assuming one was a false negative. I'm on a couple kinds of meds and mostly sticking to tea, Ginger Ale, soup, ice cream, oatmeal and yogurt (My throat is swollen if you couldn't tell). Don't worry: I'm not having to go through any major medical procedures or anything, I just got my throat swabbed and some blood drawn. One thing that did come up for sure, however, was in my Mononucleosis test. Turns out my white blood cell number in my blood is really high: over 18,000. I've had white blood cell-related problems before, namely Eczema and Psoriasis (And I've had acne for a very long time on the topic of skin problems). So I've got some sort of pretty big bacterial infection.
What does this mean? Videos will be delayed... AGAIN... but I'll still be posting on here and working on Project Isolation's script (And my novel too. BTW, I'm writing a novel :D). My voice and throat may need a while. And if it's Mononucleosis, it can't be fully treated and will take a couple of weeks to go away. The good news is, though, if I have Mononucleosis, I'll most likely never get it again.
So yeah. Thought I'd let you all know of these things and where I've been.
Stay amazing,